Why FM Approvals Matter
FM Approvals is the only third-party safety standard for fire blankets. They inspect manufacturing facilities twice a year, sometimes unannounced, and review everything from raw materials to production. They also conduct random product testing to ensure the blankets sold are as safe and reliable as advertised.
If a manufacturer doesn’t have FM Approval, it’s because they failed the test or the site audit.
It’s like a restaurant passing health inspections - you wouldn’t eat at one that doesn’t, so don’t trust a fire blanket that isn’t FM Approved.

Check If It’s FM Approved!
Go to Approvalguide.com. It’s totally free—just sign up with your email to see every FM Approved material out there. If a product’s not on that list, it means it either failed testing or couldn’t pass an inspection. And if they’re not approved, they can’t sell in big markets like the U.S. So, ask yourself: Why aren’t they on the list?
Alpha Welding Material
Beta Welding Material
Welding Cushions
Precut Blankets
Refractory Firebricks
Ceramic Fiber Blanket
Bio-Soluble Paper
Bio-Soluble Board
Bio-Soluble Bulk
Blue Diamond Flooring
High Silica Fiberglass Cloth
Bio-Soluble Blanket